Welcome to Impowersoft

Welcome to Impowersoft, where inspiration and innovation meet.

We are a leading provider of insurance agency management software solutions. Our focus is to provide our clients with groundbreaking applications and innovative services that enhance their businesses and allow them to get the upper hand on their competition. What could this mean for your business? Simply put, higher levels of customer satisfaction, increased profits and lower operating costs.

Our product is a comprehensive and cost-effective insurance CRM software / insurance agent software application tailored specifically to meet the demand of the modern insurance agency. Our insurance agency management software, called “Aspire,” is a result of collaboration from experts with backgrounds in both insurance and software development. As a result, our clients get innovative, first-to-market insurance agent software features that no other company has. Our insurance agency management software is packaged to be one of the most cutting-edge and simple solutions for insurance agencies of all sizes, starting from a one-man show to an insurance firm with hundreds of employees.

At Impowersoft, we strive to provide our clients with prompt and first-class customer service. “Time is money,” and we take that adage to heart. Our state-of-the-art products such as our insurance CRM software / insurance agency management software along with our other services allow you to be more productive, more focused, and more profitable. Are you ready? Because at Impowersoft, we TURN ON YOUR POTENTIAL!